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Law Firm “ANK” defended interests of IT specialists in case of Enforcement of the International Arbitral Award

In October 2021, AUTOBIDMASTER (USA) applied to the Kiev Court of Appeal with claim for recognition and enforcement of arbitral award of the Arbitration Service of the City of Portland (Oregon, USA) dd. May 25, 2021 in case No. 2012 against two individual entrepreneurs, who specialized in the field of IT. The arbitral award provided for the recovery from Ukrainian IT specialists of a total amount of 106,070 USD and 9% per annum in favor of the Applicant, and also imposed an obligation on each defendant to take certain actions (stop usage of a domain name and hosting; stop using the Applicant’s protected information, soliciting its specialists and counterparties; transfer property rights on the website to the Applicant; transfer shares in the Cypriot company Sarozum in favor of the Applicant, etc.)

The Kiev Court of Appeal agreed with the arguments of the Ukrainian IT specialists and arbitral award has been refused for recognition and enforcement, while recovering from the applicant AUTOBIDMASTER (USA) the costs for professional legal assistance in favor of Ukrainian IT specialists (defendants in the case) in amount of UAH 71,780.

The interests of the Ukrainian IT specialists in this case have been represented on behalf of ANK team by advocate Olena Koch.

The full text of the Ruling of the Kiev Court of Appeal in case No. 824/253/21 dd. January 24, 2022 is available at:

The full text of the Arbitral Award of the Arbitration Service of the City of Portland (Oregon, USA) dd. May 25, 2021 in case No.201211 AUTOBIDMASTER (USA) vs. IT specialists (Ukraine) is available at: /document/decision/en-autobidmaster-llc-v-mykhaylo-bolsunovskyi-and-volodymyr-sytnikov-final-arbitration-award-and-money-award-tuesday-25th-may-2021

ANK team provides a full range of professional legal assistance in the IT industry and improves alternative dispute resolution practices, including at the stages of: conclusion of arbitration agreements, representation of the parties in international commercial arbitration, representation in litigations for the recognition and enforcement of arbitral awards.