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Introduction of fines for violation of the use of the Ukrainian language

We would like to remind you that in 2019, the Law of Ukraine “On ensuring the functioning of the Ukrainian language as the state language” (hereinafter referred to as the Law on Language) was adopted, which provided for a number of requirements for the mandatory use of the state language for enterprises of all forms of ownership:

– when concluding employment contracts (with the possible use of translation);

– when providing consumers with information about goods, works or services (with possible duplication in any other language);

– servicing consumers (at the request of the client, his service can also be carried out in when another language).

The Commissioner for the Protection of the State Language (hereinafter referred to as the Commissioner) and his representatives were appointed to monitor compliance with the provisions of the Law on Language.

Most of the provisions of the Law on Language came into force on July 16, 2019, however, some of its provisions come into force only this year – from July 16, 2022. Therefore, we will consider exactly those provisions of the Law on Language that will come into force in a month.

1. Ukrainian version of websites and social media pages by default

Websites and web pages in social networks of business entities selling goods and services in Ukraine and registered in Ukraine must be made in the state language. Along with the version in the state language, there may be versions in other languages. The version in the state language should be no less in volume and content of information than other versions.

For foreign entities selling goods and services in Ukraine and having subsidiaries, branches, representative offices in Ukraine, the version of the website in the state language should contain sufficient information in terms of volume and content for clear navigation and disclosure of the purpose of the activity of the owner of such a site.

Websites of all enterprises for users in Ukraine should be loaded in the version in the state language by default.

2. Administrative fines for violation of the Law on Language

From July 16, 2022, amendments to the Code of Administrative Offenses also come into force, which introduce the imposition of fines from UAH 3,400 to UAH 5,100 for violating the Law on Language.

Protocols on violation of the Law on Language ​​have the right to draw up, and consider cases – the Commissioner and his representatives.