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Extension of the term for booking workers from mobilization

By Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine No. 1002 dated September 7, 2022, amendments were made to the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated March 3, 2022 N 194 “Some issues of booking persons liable for military service under the legal regime of martial law.”

These changes provide for the possibility of extending the period of deferment from military service during mobilization, which was previously arranged by enterprises for their employees through the booking procedure, for an additional period of up to two months.

At the same time, it should be noted that such a continuation does not occur automatically, but according to the same procedure by which the initial booking was carried out, but without the need to obtain the approval of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine.

Thus, businesses that intend to extend the booking period of previously booked workers should send an extension application with proper justification to the relevant government authority through which the original booking was made, after which such government agency should send such an application to the Ministry of Economy of Ukraine, as an authority authorized to make a decision on the extension of the installment plan from conscription for military service during mobilization.